Tuesday, December 23, 2014

24th Day of Advent: Jesus the Messiah

Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God."
 Matthew 16:16

I love this exchange between Peter and Jesus.  Jesus asks His disciples who they think He is.  Peter answers that He is the Messiah.  Jesus tells him that God revealed this truth to Peter.  Isn't that so amazing that the Truth about Jesus' identity was revealed by God in His timing?! Jesus calls Peter blessed and then tells him, he will be the rock to build the church on (Matthew 16:17-20).  

Messiah is the Hebrew term and Christ is the Greek term for both the same meaning: Anointed One.  A little more than two weeks ago, I wrote about Jesus as the Anointed One.  He was chosen by God to fulfill His plan.  Jesus fulfills more than 18 Old Testament Prophecies about the Messiah.  I think He fulfills many more but these are specific for the Messiah.  

All the way back in Genesis 3:15, God promises that someone will come and crush the serpent (the Devil) down.  Jesus is that Person.  I am still in awe that so early on the Bible, God revealed His plan to us.  The people knew about this prophecy and were waiting for it to be fulfilled.

Everyone was so caught up in life when Jesus did finally come to Earth that they didn't believe He was the one.  He didn't come in regally or flashy but humbly and approachable.  Jesus the Messiah, the long awaited Person to deliver the Hebrew Nation once and for all wasn't recognized.  

Is that us today?  We are so caught up in life and celebrating "Christmas" that we don't recognize when Jesus the Messiah, the long awaited One to deliver us, shows up in our lives?  I don't want that to be me this week.  I want Jesus to be the focus.  I need deliverance and Him.  How are you going to let Jesus into your life?  Will you make room for Him unlike so many 2000 years ago (and still today!)?

With His Love,

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