Sunday, December 2, 2018

1st Day of Advent 2018: Jesus is the Light of the World

When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, "I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
John 8:12

Every Advent season since 2014, it has been my tradition to fire up my writing skills and blog about a different name of Jesus each day.  You can check back to previous years here: 201420152016, and 2017.  It's been FIVE years since I started this tradition, it's crazy but at the same time I long for this time to reconnect with Jesus in a deeper way before celebrating His birth.

The first name I chose this year is Jesus is the Light of the World because not only does Advent start today but Hanukkah starts tonight as well.  Celebrating light seems so needed in this dark world.  Jesus brings light and He is always able to snuff out the darkness in life.  He shines even when the darkness of this broken world tries to consume, even when our dark sins try to consume, even when no one else is a light in our lives, He will remain bright. 

Jesus is using I AM in His statement.  This is His divine, eternal, covenant name, showing the Jewish people that He is God.  They would've known that God uses I AM in the Old Testament and here Jesus is using it, making the connection that He is also God.  How amazing is that!!! 

Not only is He the Light, but He offers us an amazing promise.  If we follow Him, then we won't be in darkness anymore.  We will also have the same Light of Life!  I am no longer (for the most part) afraid of the darkness because I know Someone who spoke and Light entered the world (Genesis 1).   His Word is so powerful that it brings Light.  Light brings life because it shows you that you are dead in your sins (Romans 6:23) and alive only in Jesus (Romans 6:11).  Jesus can shine His Light into the dark parts of your life and change you.  Once those parts are in Jesus' Light, then you can truly change and become who He has created you to be.

This promise can only hold IF you follow Jesus.  So we need to make the commitment and actually follow Him.  The promise is so amazing that I don't even want to turn back from Jesus.  I know what it is like to be afraid of the dark (not just physical darkness but that spiritual dark pit I fell into before Him) and I don't need to be afraid anymore because Jesus is always with me.  What parts of your life do you need to bring into the Light? 

Lastly, imagine this amazing promise: After we are all in the new Heaven/Earth, there will be no need for the sun or moon or stars because Jesus and His Glory will shine bright enough to illuminate everything! (Rev 21:23)  Who in your life may need a little bit of Jesus' light?  The Holy Spirit shines through us, so let Him :)

Join me for this Season of Advent growing deeper in the understanding of Who Jesus is and Why we need Him in our lives!!

With His Love,

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